BlueBoat RTK Suggestions

I’m looking for a RTK solution for the blueboat to either use a base station or NTRIP server (Can I telemeter the NTRIP stream through blueOS?). I want dual antennas for GPS yaw.

Has anyone used the Holybro H-RTK modules (unicore or mosaic?)

Ideally, I would mount an antenna inside each hatch.

Would this solution work, are there any other suggestions to get this going?


Hi @CA_BlueBoat -
We’re currently evaluating this solution for potential inclusion on the Blue Robotics Reef. It is indeed possible to process an NTRIP stream and route the corrections to the vehicle via BlueOS / ArduRover, as well as use the yaw from the GPS antennas.
Once we launch this or another solution as a product, we’ll have the usual detailed guides available. If you try the holybro solution, let us know how it goes!

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hello, I’m new to blueos, I’m currently testing my rover, I already find that your system is very well thought out and that I love the principle of the extensions. I am also interested in this RTK function, do you think that by using RTKlib in a container and could we make an extension so that the robot is not dependent on the ground station and would calculate the deviations itself?

Hi @Pepeuch -
RTK inherently requires atmospheric corrections from an external source! This can be routed to the system from a network source, or from a non-moving base-station.

Yes I am aware, I have my own fixed base, I cast on rtk2go and centipede, I broadcast on my own local network, but I cannot retrieve the data from blueos.
This is why I asked if adding an rtklib extension could solve this problem. and this would avoid having to go through a ground station for this function.

With ntrip ROS: Ntrip for ROS

Or with this docker image but this would rather be to make an extension, but it would be necessary to make the link with blueos so that it can recover the data.
GNSS Tools

Hi @Pepeuch

Yes, the goal is to write an extension that makes it easier to interface with services such as rtk2go, likely via 4g/starlink

yes, that’s exactly it, I would like to create such an extension but my knowledge in this area is not at a high enough level. however since the tools are there I will try to do it, because blueos still seems to me to be making good progress. I was also able to see in the extensions some manufacturers who have made their own so that the system recognizes their device. I find it fantastic.

I use a Tersus BX316D… no is a bad solution and good price…

Hi @tony-white,
We are also evaluating the option to permanently integrate GNSS RTK corrections onboard and skip the external GNSS on a pole solution. We are looking into this simpleRTK2B Pro, which is similar to the one you are examining (without GNSS Heading).
I was very happy to hear you are planning the same integration and a guide would be more than welcome. Do you have an ETA on the solution?

Hi @cyamin -
No ETA, likely early next year as a best guess!

Sorry the flag, lol,. We lost the original in Ibiza island…

We are usin a RTK lib in our Control pc onboard,
First we make a ZeroTier private net with all devices ( Blueos + Earth laptop + inside multibeam control pc windows based).
We share the router connection via Wi-Fi with the USV devices, I know it is not the best but we are working on connecting directly to the Raspberry pi via lan…
Also make a tunnel with the data from GPSrtk, since we have verified that there are large differences in terms of position and since we intend to do bathymetries automatically with Hypack’s AUTOlines.DLL. This positional difference makes it difficult at the moment. The following is the NMEA injector, this week it will be done

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Hi CA_BlueBoat, did yoiu ever intergrate this into your BB? we have bought one and are trying to intergrate now.

I wanted to because it looked easy, but we are currently working on integrating an InertialSense IMU/RTK GPS. This will likely be independent of the flight controller’s GPS for logging purposes.

Hello! Has anyone made any progress on this? We are looking to purchase a blue boat shortly and currently have this rtk gps that I was hoping to use. I was probably going to feed the ntrip corrections through the ethernet connection on the GPS.

Hi @whg_engineer -
That unit will work - Blue Robotics engineers tested it while perfecting our own RTK offering (coming soon!) However, we did not select it as it was a bit more of a pain to get working and integrated compared with the holybro solution.

Streaming corrections from the internet, either over the WiFi link to the system or if it has 4G or starlink on board should also be possible. Once we launch our own version we will have all the usual support documentation that should make it as painless as possible - your a bit on your own until then!

Hi @whg_engineer,
We have simplertk2b working on our BlueBoat. Feeding NTRIP corrections is still a challenge though. Mission Planner is able to ‘inject’ RTK corrections through MAVLINK from a NTRIP server, however QGroundControl is not. Ardusimple suggests using MAVPROXY in parallel to QGroundControl to feed NTRIP corrections. This is an issue with all RTK hardware and is related to QGroundControl.
On the other side, Ardusimple’s board has extra serial ports that can accept RTK correction outside the MAVLINK stream either by their RTK Plugins or your own implementation.