Benefits upgrading BR2 with Navigator and New Raspberry

Hi Guys.

My question is what are the benefits to upgrading all the hardware?

I haven’t used my BR2 version 2 in quite some time and have now gotten some quotes to upgrade the pixhawk to navigator and also new Raspberry with some additional bits so that my system is essentially a version 4.

Also what is the benefit to splitting the power cable so the BR2 v4 has 2 cables running from the main compartment to the battery compartment.


Useful link found blueos can be used on current setup.

Anyone know if it’s worth upgrading to the Navigator controller?

It’s not an essential upgrade if you’re already happy with your existing flight controller, but it may still be of interest - there’s an overview of both in the Technical Reference if you want to compare. Functionally speaking the Navigator

  • is a bit more tailored to ArduSub use-cases
    • e.g. there are leak probe connectors built in
  • has a couple of extra PWM outputs
  • has more usable connectors
  • has more potential for expandability
    • we’re planning to make libraries available for accessing the sensors and connectors, so that they’re accessible from user code outside the autopilot firmware, but that hasn’t been done yet
  • does not yet support relay outputs → relay support added in ArduSub 4.1.1
    • I believe there’s currently a working branch that’s being tested - it should hopefully be merged in to the main ArduSub reasonably soon
  • is more robust when updating firmware (because it’s just files on the Raspberry Pi)
  • has easier to access log files

If you do decide to upgrade,

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Hi @Blizzard257,

I’ve moved a couple of old comments here about the flight controller part.

Note that it’s possible to upgrade to a Raspberry Pi 4 and continue using a Pixhawk if you wanted to (but the other way around is not possible). The main benefit to a Raspberry Pi upgrade is the extra processing power and memory you get access to, which could be helpful if you’re wanting to run reasonably heavy BlueOS Extensions. If you’re just wanting base vehicle performance then it should be fine to stay with your existing Raspberry Pi 3, which (as you’ve already found) can still have its software upgraded to BlueOS :slight_smile:

Looking at the revision history of the power cable (in the Technical Details section), it seems the revision also increased the connector size, so presumably the cable was sized up to either better account for the existing power draw, or allow for more than was originally anticipated.

Note that the power sense module has also been updated to use the split cable, so they go together (you can’t upgrade one without also upgrading the other).

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