Bar30 Sensor fails to send data, throws [Errno 121] periodically

Hello! I have been trying to get the Bar30 sensor running and have been encountering a strange issue.

Hardware setup:

  • A Raspberry Pi with the Navigator board plugged in, and with BlueOS installed and running.
  • Brand new Bar30 sensor which has never gone underwater before (being tested in air).
  • The Bar30 sensor is plugged into an “I2C 6” port on the Navigator
  • The only things connected to the Raspberry Pi / Navigator are the Bar 30 sensor, power cable to the Pi, and an ethernet cable to my PC (which runs through an Ethernet switch)

Software setup:

The test code:


import ms5837
import time

sensor = ms5837.MS5837_30BA(6) # Specify I2C bus

if __name__ == "__main__":
    while True:
            if sensor.init():
            print("Sensor could not be initialized (No error)")
            print("Sensor could not be initialized (Error!)")

    saltwaterDepth = sensor.depth() # No nead to read() again

    while True:
            if not
                raise Exception
            print(f"P: {sensor.pressure()}, T: {sensor.temperature()}")
        except Exception as e:
            print("Sensor read failed! Error received: ")

The result is inconsistent. Sometimes, the sensor works completely fine and always results in a measurement. Other times, every message results in an error. The following is the most common result I’ve seen - 2 errors, followed by 2 packets, one of which may have glitched values:
Bar30 sensor errors2

I have tried

  • Making sure the Bar 30’s I2C is at 3.3 V logic (tested with multimeter)
  • Checking the device’s I2C address- (0x76 is present)
  • Making sure there are no other devices with the same address (i2cdetect -y 6)
  • Running the sensor for several hours. Its behaviour does not seem to change during runtime - if it returns 2 errors followed by 2 messages right after start up, it does so the whole time.
  • Replacing the time.sleep() statements with a while loop that checks time.time(), to avoid stopping execution.

What may be the cause behind this? I would appreciate any help. Thank you!

Hi @peterg -
Are you by any chance running ArduSub firmware within BlueOS as well? Your code may be conflicting with the autopilot process accessing the Bar30…
If you push the “Stop Autopilot” button, does your code behave better?


This worked and the code behaves as expected, thanks!