Hi Jacob. Thanks for your answer.
I am using your MS5837 Library Master, which I downloaded from MS5837 Library Master
Now I am working in a range of depths from 0 to 1.5 m aprox. Perhaps in later tests it could be till 3 or 5 meters of maximum depth. For my application I require as maximum ~ (+/- 15 cm ~ 15 mbar) of accuracy. (I think this range is low compared to what you are familiared with.)
I’m not seeing greater innaccuracies than 50 mbar (as specified in the datasheet, for this operation range). Actually, the problem that I have is the drift of the measurement. Today I measured atmospheric pressure for almost 90 minutes. It started at 925 mbar and ended at 906 mbar. It decreased in total 19 mbar ~ 19 cm. In average, it was a drift of ~ -0,4 mbar/min. It is similar to what happened to Trevor in this post:Drifting absolute value, but (fortunately), it is not as much as this one: Reading decrese with time
In one of those posts, Adam explained that before the Bar30, you have made some custom “Bar 02” sensors, wich only read a depth up to about 20m, but it is more accurate with much less drift. I think that it would work better for me. Is there a way to solve the drift problem? If there is no solution, is there a chance to change my sensor for that one? (note: I live in Bariloche, Argentina).
I await your answer.