My Underwater Housing to Foxeer 4K BOX

I have now tested the new 4K box from Foxeer on land and not underwater and I am very satisfied with that.

Sow i have made a underwater Housing to Foxeer 4K BOX (video out,on/off,rec and mode,access from control panel)
I will test it under water when I get time.

I have tested it to 10 bar and no leak,enough for me :grinning:

Do not know where to mount the 4K box on the bluerov2, sow i try front and rear, i use the original holes which is made on bluerov2.


Very cool, nice work. How are you communicating to control start/stop etc? You say from control panel, do you mean something topside, or physically at the camera? Also, are you supplying external power?

I had to solder wires on camera,that was the only solution.
I use two arduino mini pro and rs 485 to control start/stop etc,I supplying external power to camera (5 volt)
Buttons was for GoPro camera,but the Foxeer 4k box has same buttons.
To change settings on camera you need to use Android apps,but is not a problem.


ah ok, good stuff. I like your console there, looks great