My T200 thruster, paired with a Blue Robotics ESC, is randomly pulsing and stuttering. I’m using a Raspberry Pi Pico W to send PWM signals to the ESC. I’ll attach the results from a bench test we conducted. The test involved two Pico boards (Pico Uni and Pico W1), two thrusters (BR and MR), and two ESCs (E2 and E6), while also testing with different ground and jumper cables. In the results.
(- dash) indicates significant pulsing
(* - star) indicates slight pulsing
✓ indicates the system is working fine.
Hi @amit1 -
Welcome to the forums!
Sharing pictures of your wiring would help determine if a poor connection may be present. Video of the “pulsing” would also be helpful.
Typically when a brushless motor jitters and doesn’t spin a poor connection is present in at least one of the wires between the ESC and the motor. This can also occur if the three motor wires have been extended excessively far, as the ESC will struggle to “listen” to the back-EMF generated by the motor’s rotation, used to control the speed of the system.