Hi Eliot,
I took your input and edited my code for reading out the parameters, as presented here:
import time
import sys
# Import mavutil
from pymavlink import mavutil
# Create the connection
master = mavutil.mavlink_connection('udpin:')
master.wait_heartbeat() # Wait a heartbeat before sending commands or trying to send or recieve new data
print("Heartbeat from system (system %u component %u)" % (master.target_system, master.target_system))
# Wait a heartbeat before sending commands
# Request all parameters
master.target_system, master.target_component
while True:
message = master.recv_match(type='PARAM_VALUE', blocking=True).to_dict()
name, value = message['param_id'], message['param_value']
print('name: %s\tvalue: %.3f' % (message['param_id'], message['param_value']))
except Exception as error:
The read parameters from ArduSub made more sense. I couldn’t compile my code with the “python3” command. I followed the installation guide; GitHub - ArduPilot/pymavlink: python MAVLink interface and utilities My python version is 2.7.16 and python3 version is 3.9.7. It’s clear that Pymavlink assumes the command “python” is my path.
By the way, I also read your instructions on How to Use the Blue Robotics Forums (Please Read).
Thank you!