Pymavlink import not working

Hi all,

I installed pymavlink on my computer so that I could use it for the file. I used both “sudo pip install pymavlink” and “pip install pymavlink --user” commands to install the program. With both methods I opened python and did “import pymavlink”. I then tried, as the ardusub instructions suggest, to test the import with “pymavlink._doc_” and received the following message: AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘_doc_’ . I assume this means that pymavlink was not properly imported. So what went wrong? Is pymavlink not installed properly or am I not importing it properly?

Thank you!


Are you using single underscores ? It should be a double underscore.
The documentation points to test with this simple input/code.

import pymavlink

Note that around doc there is a double underscore around it.

Ah, the infamous double underscore! That solved it thank you.

Also, if I am running on a file, how do I set the location that file is being read from?

Right now my only command is “ test.bin”, the test.bin file is in my QGroundControl folder and the script is in my mac library.

I am working in bash in terminal.



You can use the -f argument to select the input file.

-f, --follow          keep waiting for more data at end of file

And >> to redirect the script output to a file, E.g: -f /path/my_awesome_log.tlog --format=csv --types AHRS3,RAW_IMU >> putput_file.txt

If you need any help with any functionality, take a look in --help parameter. --help

That worked, perfect! Thank you.

I looked in --help. And was able to read a file. However, I want to output pressure and temperature data. I have the celsius and standard barometer sensors hooked up. What “types” would they be? I cannot find a list of acceptable types anywhere.

The acceptable types will be different depending on if you are using a tlog or binary log.

You can open the log with and use tab completion to see the available types in a log.

See also the logging documentation: Redirecting...