i have been working with a rov project for a while.
The rov is 75cm x 38cm x 45cm
I am using t100 thrusters for horistontal and lateral.
The vertical thruster i have made myself.
They are oilfilled with a brushless motor and planetary gear. The thrust force is approx 3.2kg each. The plan was to made all thrustes, but i saw this great thrusters, and decide to use them instead. Maybe i will change out the vert thrusters also. The T100 thusters do take less space.
The frame is made by PE, and boyancy is original bouyancy used for rov offshore. Cut to fit, and covered by epoxy filler and polyurethane paint
The electronic is put together by ecs from hobbyking, and rovcontrol system from rovasia. I was lucky and get two complete system from rovasia, before they became unseriouse. So i have one in spare.
The camerahouse is an old subseahousing that have been modified with dome port, and milled down to reduce weight. I am going to have a pan&tilt unit inside.
The lights is some 10w ledlights ordered from ebay, that i changed cables on and molded inside with 3m scotchcast.
The pressure housing for the electronic am i still working with. I have a subsea stainless housing that is going to be modified and milled thinner to reduce weight.
The topside controll is fitted in a pelicase, with 10,2" screen.
The system is going to be powered by 4 pcs 3s lipo 5500mAh subsea, and one 3s lipo 5500mAh topside.
Controlled via cat-cable and reel with slipring.