Ping2 Sonar 0% confidence

Hello, I’m trying to test the Ping2 Sonar but it’s giving me inaccurate results and 0% confidence, am I supposed to use it underwater?

I don’t have access to a pool right now and our AUV is incomplete. Can I test it in my bathtub, its >0.3m.

Thanks in advance.

Here it says I can use it in air with a certain speed of sound, but when I try to change the speed in the app it resets to 1500 m/s.

update: speed of sound can be changed with debug mode on

Hi @HasanTheSyrian -
You should be able to test the unit in your bathtub, but may not get great results. A 5 gallon bucket can serve as well, but I wouldn’t expect 100% confidence or an accurate measurement!