I had connection problems with Echosounder on PingViewer 2.1.0 where connection is lost sometimes and values not being updated. Since the connection is not stable I rarely get rangefinder updates on QGC. Then I have upgraded the Echosounder firmare to “v3.28_auto”, now PingViewer does not have a connection at all.
While other connections of telemetry and video is fine, I cannot get a stable connection with Echosounder. Could you please tell me how to establish a stable connection with Echosounder and display it on QGC.
First, I would recommend to connect Ping1D directly to the surface computer and see if there will be any connection issues.
If everything works fine in your surface computer test with the direct connection, the problem can be either a mechanical connection stability in the ROV or a problem with the 5V that the raspberry is receiving. Do you have any warning of under-voltage on the companion main webpage ?
I am pretty sure of connections and do not receive under-voltage warning on the companion.
I have 2 Ping1D’s.
The one with firmware V3.28 works fine when connected to the computer via BLUART USB to TTL Serial on Ping Viewer v2.1.0. Power, Green and White lights blink on BLUART.
However, I cannot get a connection to the other one with firmware updated (previously v3.26) via “Companion WEBUI” to “V3.28_auto” by using the same setup. I can see power led solid, green led blinking on BLUART, but not the white one.
In both cases I can see the COM port on device manager, and I am sure that BLUART and USB cable works fine. Also I am pretty sure that Ping Viewer v2.1.0 works fine too.
When I try to connect to the problematic Ping1D manually, I can see Ping Viewer v2.1.0 sending requests, but no message is received. When I try to upgrade the firmware using Ping Viewer v2.1.0 manually, I get “File does not contain a valid Intel Hex format”
Can you think of any solution before trying “Device Discovery” routines by opening Ping1D lid?
I have opened the lid, and there was no light when I connect it. I have uploaded “Ping-V2.28_auto.hex” using “Device Recovery” method with lights on BLUART blinking. And, I get “done” message as shown below,
After update nothing changed, no light under the lid and “Ping Viewer 2.1.0” does not see and connect to Ping1d Echosounder. Could you please advise me on that matter?
It appears that something is really wrong with the cable or the connection that you have, as you can see, the firmware flash process stopped in 26% but it should reach 100% to firmware the entire file.
Try to double check the connections, change the cable between the USB adapter and Ping or the usb adapter, try to create a stable connection for the update process.
Let me know how it goes and if the percentage of all attempts stop at a specific percentage.
Also check to make sure the data pair (white and green) have good twists on its way to the penetrator and the USB adapter. I had an unstable USB connection to the camera. Turned out to be the lack of twisted data wires.