ok …tnx Rusty …for a task of target…well cant be too much actually(win or loose)… loosing the target is way worse than braking a bone( or use your imagination):/… but enough of That…(i know ;)…just if its possible to adjust it for worst case…or a diffferent task at all?..i can promice you this is waay to weak for a bodyrecovery by a foot!(or Any part) Garatiied. Been there done that:/ …and Hydolek is way strongr than the original Gripper. …and it was Not strong enough, for that task… couldn move the ROV at all!!.. so im wondering if i can increase or lock it?.. bec i have a way of “Holding”…but i would love to have a “Lock” macanism?..or will the gripper hold for 30 min full power ?..what your advise on that for “Holding” ? …not just for recovery, feks divesupport?.. just filming and by using the gripper, i need allmost no power for doing a task like that, but if i have to Hold the gripper, will itl consume a lot of power?
Hi Christian, I don’t have any experience with body recovery in real life so I can’t say too much on the topic!
The gripper will hold at full grip strength indefinitely. It does not require any power to hold. When stopped it is always locked.
ok tnx for info
Is it possible to find 3D drawings of the gripper arms? stp or stl would be nice.
Hi @Mikxie We have the 3D model for the Newton Gripper in the Technical Details tab.
4 posts were split to a new topic: Broken Newton Gripper
hello blue robotics,
I have the newton subsea gripper but after few dives and issues with electronics, The brushed motor inside the arm is not functioning and I’ve been wondering if it’s possible to turn it into pneumatic robotic arm??
Hi Hasan,
I’m afraid it’s not possible to change it to a pneumatic arm without a lot of engineering effort! If you’re having issues with the product, please contact support@bluerobotics.com so we can help out!
Pneumatics are noot good subsea, hydraulics you have to turn to then… the preassure is not stable under water;)