Epic work! How are the teensy and Pi communicating? What functions is the teensy responsible for? Is Arduino-1.6.13-linuxarm just an arduino ide that will run on the Pi?
Currently the PI and the Teensy are communicating over the serial port. (using a short 3" USB cable)
The plan was to make that i2c, but as i need the serial port anyways to program the teensy (it was put on the todo list)
Yes, the Arduino-1.6.13-linuxarm is just the IDE, but i am not sure if i still need it, as “platformio” does all the work nowdays. (Really should do a clean install once again )
MokiROV2 is a new branch of the old MokiROV software, which i started over 2 years ago. But ran into to many issues with the building part (i am a good tinker, better programmer… but not a great builder) But thanks to BR, i restarted my ROV project and already made my first dives.
Now working on a 6 thruster version, with BlueROV2 frame
The Teensy does all the I/O, all i2c sensors, the esc’s (currently only pwm, but soon also using i2c) and the analog input from the attopilot A180.
Before i used an adafruit pca9685 servo board for the pwm outout and another board for the A/D conversion…a teensy is just a cheaper, faster (and more steady) alternative.
The Raspberry PI does the webserver and the mjpeg videostream(s)
Looks good! Especially the heads up display. May I make a suggestion from past experience? Find some way to secure the end caps on the electronics housing from popping off, the pressure can build up and push them right off possibly in the middle of a dive.
As i am working on “PID” for the thrusters, i needed to analyse the data.
Lucky for me, i have an ELK (Elasticsearch/Logstash/Kibana) in my environment.