Hi @manipogo, welcome to the forum!
That thread discusses incorrect sensor readings which were fixed by reducing the reading frequency. I believe you intended to link to this thread which mentions that the selected I2C bus is hardcoded on ArduSub 4.0.X.
I take it that by “no longer works” here you mean “isn’t detected”? The leak detector is detected on a Pixhawk GPIO pin, so is unrelated to I2C. Before assuming this is a bug, my best guess is that this is a port assignment issue. On my standard setup (Pixhawk 1) the leak detector is plugged into AUX port 6, and that’s also what’s set by default in ArduSub (at least for Pixhawk 1).
It’s possible that the development build changes the default for Pixhawk 4 to be the last port or something (e.g. AUX port 8), so I’d recommend you check which port your leak detector is plugged into and make sure that it’s set correctly in ArduSub for the port in use. You can check and change it using QGC: