Hi @Lulu
Each profile
message includes fields for scan_length
[mm] and profile_data_length
[unitless] (number of samples in the profile), and the internal speed of sound value is user defined (1,500,000 mm/s by default[1]), so the sampling duration (similar to camera exposure) for a given sample is just
Is there a particular reason for this? It’s generally more intuitive to scale by distance, using the scan_length
for scaling and the scan_start
as an offset.
The “return strength measurement data” (as described by the profile
message documentation) is an array of bytes (0-255) representing the energy/strength of the transducer vibration during each sample period.
In case it’s of interest,
You’ll note that those values are saturated while the transducer is transmitting (at the start of the scans, including some extra time for the vibrations of the device to die down after a pulse is sent), and then low while waiting for echoes, with later values being determined by the strength of echoes (or noise in the transducer’s frequency range).
We’ve done some testing around this, but the data needs some cleaning up before we can provide a beam plot, and we don’t currently have an estimate of when that will be completed/released.
By the way, our Ping2 Sonar is the second major version of a 1D sensor (which is why it uses the ping1d
message set) - ping2D would be a multibeam or something. We have found the name to be confusing though, so we’re intending to change it (likely to Ping Sonar v2 or something) to reduce that confusion in future.
although you might have adjusted it to suit your water conditions, or set it to ~343,000 mm/s if you’re trying to get reasonable distance estimates in air ↩︎