DIY ROV thruster 4,78 kg (10.5 lbs) from DT700 Brushless Motor

Tested forward/reverce thrust at 12V
0.8A - 0.5/0.5 kg (1.1/1.1 lbs)
2A - 1.0/0.9 kg (2.2/1.98 lbs)
3A - 1.35/1.2 kg (2.98/2.65 lbs)
4A - 1.65/1.5 kg (3.64/3,31 lbs)
5A - 1.9/1.7 kg (4.19/3.75 lbs)
10A - 2.5/2.1 kg (5.51/4.63 lbs)
14A - 3/2.7 kg (6.61/5.95 lbs)
19.5A - 4/3.8 kg (8.8/8.38 lbs)
25A - 4,78 kg (10.5 lbs) (46.5 N) more than Blue Robotics T200!

Efficiency at 12V (g/W) (lbs/W)
at 1A: 52 g/w (1.83 oz/w) more than Blue Robotics T200!
at 2A: 41 g/w (1.44 oz/w)
at 3A: 37 g/w (1.3 oz/w)

This is a forum for blue robotics products n support not for your direct advertising of your product. Go be a leach somewhere else. Aliexpress will take you - Thanks for sharing! @kaosrulz is right that this is fairly close to direct advertising, but we do like to support anything that encourages more people to get involved in marine robotics. Congrats on putting this together and sharing it!

Since most of your claims are directed towards our T200, Iā€™d like to take a second to address some of the reasons why your thrust/efficiency performance numbers are similar to ours.

Max Thrust: With a similar diameter propeller and similar power output, Iā€™d expect you to get similar thrust. We generally get a little performance hit when using 3d printed stuff because of the rough surface but it looks like your propeller area might be a little greater, which would make up for that difference.

Iā€™d also like to note here that to get to your max thrust you are going way beyond the ratings for this motor. According to the HobbyKing page, the motor is rated for 13A max. Iā€™m sure it will run at 25A for a little while, but it will likely burn out pretty quickly. Iā€™d recommend being very careful with that. I think a more realistic and sustainable ā€œmax thrustā€ is probably around the 6.5 lbs / 13A point.

Efficiency at Low Power: Iā€™m not sure about the details of your design, but there are a few factors that could contribute to that:

  • It looks like youā€™ve got a little larger propeller area, which will almost always lead to more efficiency. Thereā€™s always a trade-off between thruster size and efficiency.

  • We have a larger than normal air gap on our motors, which decreases efficiency a bit but prevents sand from jamming the motor. Weā€™ve tested the DT700 before and it canā€™t handle sand at all - it will jam almost immediately.


For anyone here doing thruster research, Iā€™d like point out a few other things:

  • The DT700 (and most other brushless motors) donā€™t have any corrosion resistance. I see that youā€™ve added epoxy to it, which will definitely make an improvement but the rotor and magnets will start corroding after a few uses in saltwater.

  • This motor also has both steel, stainless steel, and aluminum parts in contact with one another, so there will be pretty rapid galvanic corrosion one submerged in water.

  • This motor has unsealed ball bearings (as opposed to plastic bushings in the T100/T200), which degrade pretty quickly and will either break or severely decrease the efficiency.

  • This design likely has low insulation resistance to the water, which is important for safety and galvanic corrosion reasons. Most off-the-shelf motors weā€™ve tested have nearly direct electrical contact with water. That also prevents them from being used in MATE competitions according to the MATE rules.

Again, nice work on putting together this design! We strongly encourage all DIY marine robotics efforts and Iā€™m sure these will be helpful to others. I only share this info to make it clear to anyone else who happens to be reading this. Keep it up!


Hey @rjehangir!

That was a really nice reply from your part and thanks for all the advices.

Just for the information if anybody is willing to build their own DIY thruster with more thrust (Kg/force) including the BR Team of course IĀ“d like to contribute however you need.

I have an actual requirement of at least 8Kg/force for each thruster and its impossible to find it affordable in the current marketā€¦ is there any plan on the nearest future to improve the Kg/force of the thrusters??


We are working on a new engine with much greater efficiency and also have a project of universal nozzle suitable for any motor but the thrust will be less than 5 kg.

Hi Luis,

Thanks for your input. We are working on some larger thrusters and they will be available in 2018. :crossed_fingers:



Hi Rusty,

I am new to us forum, I too am super interested in a larger thruster. Do you have an idea of specs and timelines ectā€¦ Will it be compatible with the existing ESCā€¦ Sorry for being so forward, just excited :slight_smile:

I am also interested in larger thrustersļ¼ŒI hope we can buy it this yearļ¼

Can you give a guestimate on date for the new larger thruster, or a least some technical info like dia and thrust. Will you follow up on new controllers also?
Working on a new design and maybe the large thruster can replace the double set-up


That is so cool looking. I have just got into building these rovers and greatly appreciate all the help and build ideas from both blue robotic and the community. :+1:

Im going for 3000w El skqteboard and Sleipner bow truster propeller s :skull_and_crossbones: a safeand po2werfil mix