Deep Camera Dive 2024- Initial Questions

Good Day All,

We’re looking at doing a very affordable drop camera, in the neighborhood of traveling 500m-1000m (pending pricing of materials).

It seems like a lot of threads here are old, so here are questions we’re curious if they’re still true:

  1. Is overheating of a GroPro still an issue with the newer models? Is there something else affordable that is a better go-to-camera? We may end up doing a clear acrylic tube, or it will be an aluminum tube with acrylic dome.
  2. Recovery Release: Is there a best “idiot proof” method that we could time to release after a couple hours? We aren’t planning to leave the submersible for too long in our first few tests. Seems like burnwire is debatable in deeper waters, but maybe it’s different than before?
  3. Best location device: What is the best known device to recover the submersible (specific GPS or Transmitter or other?)? Do people basically just put it on top of the foam ballast?
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Not sure if I saw it on these forums but someone somewhere was using a sonar type transmitter to locate sensor equipment left on the sea floor. Seemed like an excellent solution!

Sounds like an interesting idea. Go-Pro cameras ive no knowledge of there oversights (heating issues)or short comings in manufacture or usages, ive never had one in my hands honestly so can’t advise in that respect, however on the last ditch certain of recovery i would suggest the usage of a timer in conjuction with a CO2 actuated buoyancy device as a saftey recovery option. That would give you some peace of mind in recovering your investment in my view. Best of luck with that.

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