Custom Mavlink Message

Hii All…

I’m trying to create a custom mavlink messages. I created XML file and generated the header files. My custom mavlink message is showing in the generated header files also. When I’m trying to run the code it’s showing the error like this

information = mavutil.mavlink.llainfo_message(
AttributeError: module ‘pymavlink.dialects.v20.ardupilotmega’ has no attribute ‘llainfo_message’

If anyone has Created a custom mavlink messages. Please help in this process…

Thank you…

Hi @KK_424,

I would recommend following the official ArduPilot tutorial about how to create custom messages:

Hii @patrickelectric

I followed this documentation MAVLink Messaging | PX4 User Guide (main) for Custom mavlink message creation and got the error…

PX4 is not equivalent to Ardupilot! They are two different autopilot projects…