Interesting! I’ve done more or less the same thing, but using a GoPro 7 Black.
I’m using a Febon video capture card, like this one: USB2.0 FEBON168 UVC driver free HDMI capture card
Using “mjpeg streamer” on a Raspberry pi, the power consumption is very low and the CPU usage on the Rpi is 1-2 %. This means the battery powering the camera and Rpi lasts for several hours. Mjpeg streamer outputs the video stream on a separate network, like you’ve built.
However, I’ve run into some problems:
I’ve tried several ways of controlling the camera via the Rpi, but have had no success so far. The GoPro doesn’t seem so willing to connect to the Rpi’s wifi- or bluetooth network, and even if it does, it often breaks connection. Also, finding some software to control the camera wasn’t too easy either.
The camera stream has a delay of around 2 seconds. This means it’s almost impossible to use the camera stream for composing shots and flying the ROV in any sensible way. I’ve also run into networking issues, where having the camera-network and the standard ROV-network on the same switch and then connected to the mac I’m using to control the ROV would lead to both networks not working. In other words I was unable to connect to the ROV and couldn’t connect to the camera stream. Having the two networks connected directly to the mac via ethernet to thunderbolt-connectors works, however.
Changing the quality in mjpeg streamer on the Rpi (in the hope of lowering video latency and bandwith usage) does nothing. I guess the program just outputs whatever is put in.