A New High Quality Underwater USB Camera

The exploreHD is now in stock and ready to ship! We are proud to introduce some of the exciting changes that have come to this camera since the announcement back in August.

The camera is now plug and play with ArduSub Companion software, just put the cable through your electronic enclosure and plug this camera into the Pi! You can even use the new WetLink Penetrator for 4mm cables.

To support multiple streaming (up to 3 cameras at once), you can look at Blue’s new Companion Beta Software. To receive multiple streaming on the surface, you can use software like OBS with the gstreamer plugin or use our alpha software of QGroundControl that allows for displays of multiple streams at once!

If you have a special request for using the camera, feel free to reach out to us on our new forums page or shoot us an email! :slight_smile:

To learn more about the camera: