6" Diameter AUV Hull for R&D

Hi Kevin,

Sounds good. I’ve been doing some test prints with the 6" hull files scaled down to get some print settings dialed in. I’m using PETG and it’s working great so far.

hi,guy.It seems a good choice to add a rudder to the stern with an underwater servo to control the direction.

Hi @octopus , do you know underwater servos that are cheap and reliable?

@BayesianMonk Blue Trail Engineering makes very nice servos.

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we sell it in china!PRETTY GOOD PRODUCT.All aluminum alloy material.

Hi @kklemens We are Team Amogh a group of students from Indian Institute of Technology Madras working towards developing an torpedo shaped AUV. I came across this thread while researching about AUVS. If you are open to discussions I wanted to discuss some stuff regarding the hull. Could you give your personal email address or any other contact ?
Looking forward to hearing from you

Hi @TeamAmogh thanks for your post! Sent you a private message with my email.