Sending MAVProxy messages from a python program?

Yes! Here I arm the vehicle, wait 2 seconds, then disarm the vehicle.

import time
from pymavlink import mavutil


autopilot = mavutil.mavlink_connection('udpin:')

msg = None

# wait for autopilot connection
while msg is None:
        msg = autopilot.recv_msg()

print msg

# The values of these heartbeat fields is not really important here
# I just used the same numbers that QGC uses
# It is standard practice for any system communicating via mavlink emit the HEARTBEAT message at 1Hz! Your autopilot may not behave the way you want otherwise!
6, # type
8, # autopilot
192, # base_mode
0, # custom_mode
4, # system_status
3  # mavlink_version

1, # autopilot system id
1, # autopilot component id
400, # command id, ARM/DISARM
0, # confirmation
1, # arm!
0,0,0,0,0,0 # unused parameters for this command


1, # autopilot system id
1, # autopilot component id
400, # command id, ARM/DISARM
0, # confirmation
0, # disarm!
0,0,0,0,0,0 # unused parameters for this command
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