Switch on/off for the computers (raspi+pixhawk)

Hi @rold,

I discussed something similar in this comment, which may be of interest. It’s not something we’ve done testing with, but it’s a decent idea for putting the vehicle into a low power state, as long as you remember to properly disconnect the battery before storage, to avoid it running down to unsafe levels.

This can also work, although it’s not quite as low power as the option I discussed, especially if there are many accessories in the vehicle (e.g. Ping360, Ethernet Switch, Lumens, etc).

It’s worth noting that given we recommend a 5V 6A regulator, and our Switch is only rated to 5A, it’s technically possible to supply more power than the switch is rated for in this kind of configuration. That said, the 5V components in a standard BlueROV2 setup are not expected to require more than 5A, so it should generally be fine unless using additional power-hungry 5V accessories.