Ping Sonar Altimeter and Echosounder with Arduino Mega, battery pwr and sd storage

Hi @KG_ocean_chem, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

I don’t expect so. Depending on the libraries you’re using for the other aspects there may be a timer clash (or other library conflicts or incompatibilities), but given you’re using a Mega that’s less likely to start with, and is likely possible to work around even if it does occur.

When you’re using an Arduino you’re running your own code, so you can make it do what you want. In the case of our ping-simple-mega.ino example that you mentioned, that code is reading values, printing them over serial, and flashing an LED - there’s no communication of ping protocol messages to or from the surface, and accordingly there’s no way for a program like Ping Viewer to connect to or do anything with the sensor (they’re unrelated use-cases).

As Patrick mentioned, a BLUART or similar adaptor is not required for connecting to and communicating with the sonar using an Arduino.

That said, we do generally recommend having one so that

  • you can use Ping Viewer
    • to see the effects on the profiles of different settings and in different environments,
    • for troubleshooting, and
    • for firmware updates,
  • you can do other programmatic control from a computer
    • e.g. I find it can be useful for more complex development to communicate directly with the sonar from a Python shell, which is more ad-hoc than is generally possible via Arduino programs

I expect it would be convenient to have one when you’re starting out, or if you run into any issues, but if you’re sticking to the basic use-case that you’ve stated then those features may be optional conveniences :slight_smile: