…any tips?.. fell like its gonna brake the seals?.. dont want to use a hammer;D
Do you have a vent plug installed in one of the end plates? The o-ring race is going to be air tight and you could stand on it without the pieces mating. If you don’t have a vent plug, I highly suggest that everyone install one to allow installation / removal of the end plates. Makes life MUCH easier.
My way was to remove the dome, put some wood with a hole in the middle to avoid damaging the camera and somebody was pushing the enclosure against the wall, by my side I had a gum end hammer and hitted on the sides maybe 3 to 4 times.
But yes its really difficult to do it alone.
Hi Christian,
Sorry to hear that you are having trouble with your 4 inch enclosure. We had a batch of flanges that the o-ring grooves were not deep enough that we did not catch until it was too late. If you can email us your order details at support@bluerobotics.com or me at jonathan@bluerobotics.com, we can get some replacements sent out ASAP.
Got it fixed … a Bit tight but i like that
…and å lot of lube
TNX guys ;)…and all my bodyweight
…soon time for testing
…Stuck again:(( can you please send me one so i can do a wet test soon:(( …this is wrong… the battery goes like tooo easy, but this i get it to the first o ring then its stuck:(((…tried a hammer even now
ive sendt you a mail
…aaaa im stressed out here now…is it the tube or the o ring flanges that are wrong? …was ready for wet test tomorrow
bec if its the flange i have to get a new bottle…its the side where the connectors are?
you can try to preheat the tube and use the vacuum pump when you install it.
Ikkke dumt i det Hele tatt …Tnx …litt vakum hjelper nok litt i det minste
Svein H is the Man,Tnx… offf begynte å bli varmt i toppen nå;D …I GOT IT !;)…wet test next i hope…KNOCK ON WOODS