Peripheral Hardware Interfacing

You will need an autopilot before you see anything happen in QGC.

Yes you should still see the webpage. What is the result of the command screen -ls on the Pi?

the output is :

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ screen -ls
There are screens on:
	571.wldriver	(13/12/17 03:48:08)	(Detached)
	561.nmearx	(13/12/17 03:48:07)	(Detached)
	528.commrouter	(13/12/17 03:48:05)	(Detached)
3 Sockets in /var/run/screen/S-pi.

In Companion Computer it says: Currently, only the Raspberry Pi 3 is supported for use with the Companion Computer Software but I am using a RPi 1 Model B.

Does this cause a problem ?


Only the Raspberry Pi 3 model B is supported.