Confused about contents of Advanced Electronic Package

Reading the instructions for wiring the advanced electronic package In step 4, it mentions a BEC. I don’t see one in the package online or the one I received.

(I’m on night work this weekend so head is a bit foggy)

Am I reading this wrong?

No, you are reading it correctly. You should have received a Battery Eliminator Circuit (BEC) to power the RPi from the +/- power terminal strips. It is a small rectangular package with black and red wires at one end and a three wire servo cable on the other end.

In the picture above the BEC is the small rectangular package with the purple top and white lettering.


Thank you sir I’ll check again when I get home tomorrow!

I have alerted Blue Robotics to your issue and they should be contacting you on this thread to resolve it.

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I just looked everywhere and unfortunately I don’t see anything that resembles the BEC.

@droneguy - Alright, thanks for checking. We’ll get one out to you on Monday! Can you shoot us an email at as well so we can verify your address?

Sorry for the hassle!


Done thanks a lot…