Dataflash user input parameter

Which parameter holds the user inputs(ie., throttle, pitch, …) for the rover in the data-flash?

The inputs are in the RCIN message, individual channels are accessed as RCIN.C1, RCIN.C2… etc.

Isn’t RCIN for PWM signals from a RC Receiver? I want to know what input I gave with my gamepad to the rover during the dive.

I can get the roll, pitch and yaw from ATT but I am not sure about throttle. CTNU (throttle and altitude information) has a throttle attribute but my dataflash is not recording it. The lable for CTNU is there in my dataflash but the actual data is not recorded during flight. Is there a way to enable this? I know mission planner allows us to choose which things to record but these options are not available when I plugin my pixhawk with ardusub flashed on it. Same goes with QGroundControl there is a parameter to enable recording dataflash but none to pick what gets recorded.

The parameter you are looking for is LOG_BITMASK, it doesn’t appear in the same category as the rest of the logging parameters.

RCIN will also write the input from the joystick, no RC receiver required.


can you please explain which RCIN channels correspond to which control surfaces.

This is the mapping for ArduSub 3.5:

1: Pitch
2: Roll
3: Throttle
4: Yaw
5: Forward
6: Lateral

This is the mapping for ArduSub 3.4:

1: Pitch
2: Roll
3: Throttle
4: Yaw
5: ‘Mode Switch’
6: Forward
7: Lateral

Awesome. One last question what is the range of each of these values?

In general, 1100 to 1900.